Ten Commandments for the year 2015
1. Be thankful to life
We are dying to the year of 2014. Once in our life, we will
not see the following year. So, therefore, live this moment, cherish this
moment, be busy doing good to others.
2. You've got to love yourself
Many people hate themselves. If you don't like yourself, it
spills over in your interactions with others. How do you know that you don't
like yourself? These are the symptoms:
- ornery,
sour, critical, judgemental, negative
- Jesus
said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." That means that
you cannot love others unless you love yourself.
3. Don't be rigid with yourself
Rigidity is the mother of many vices from which comes out
obsessions, perfectionism, fanaticism, idealism, and which can ultimately lead
to terrorism. Don't be a rigid follower of any ideology. Even a political party
can make you an obsessive person.
4. Give up must-erbations
Albert Ellis is the author of Rational Emotive Therapy. He
talks about avoiding ten irrational thoughts. We must give up these irrational
be loved and approved by every significant person
be an adequate person in all areas
- My wife/husband MUST be like this...
5. Forgive others and
forgive yourself
Don't carry the burden of hatred. Don't carry the burden of
guilt feelings. They will literally kill you. You've got to forgive yourself
and others because God has unconditionally forgiven you.
6. Don't internalize other people's problems.
There are crazy (troubled people) out there. They will maltreat you. They will slam you. You cannot prevent this from happening. Remember, they are their problems. Don't make their problems as your problems. In other words, don't internalize other people's nastiness and problems.
7. Do small gestures of kindness
Opening a door for somebody, picking up something that fell,
bringing a meal to someone who is sick, are small kindnesses that can make a
lot of difference and the world can be a lot brighter than before.
8. Don't try to change others
Rather, try to change yourself. Many a time we are busy
trying to change others but we forget to change ourselves. If everybody changed
themselves, what a wonderful world we would live in.
9. Be joyful
That is the primary characteristic of a Christian. Without
being joyful in this world, how can you be joyful in the world to come
(heaven). Read the book The Joy of the Gospel by Pope Francis (If you have not received a Copy of Pope Francis' "THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL," please get your copy from St John Bosco parish. It is our gift for you during this Christmas season/New year). Smile at
others. It can be infectious. It will cause a chain of smiles in other people.
10. Meditation
Mindfulness, a new terminology, for meditation has become
popular in many people's lives because helps them deal with life problems and maintains
your calm. Try to stay for a few minutes in solitude without being distracted
by noise in order to get in touch with your inner self and other self (God).
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